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Rapid gene synthesis


We provide you with a 5-day rapid gene synthesis service to save your waiting time and improve your experimental efficiency!

Service order

Gene length

Delivery period

<300 bp

5 working days

300~1200 bp

5 working days

1201~2000 bp

7 working day

Standard delivery

  • Our company provides customers with all technical information and products, including:

  • COA file-Plasmid structure diagram

  • About 5μg freeze-dried plasmid DNA-sequencing map

  • One tube of glycerol bacteria or puncture bacteria containing recombinant plasmid

Special statement: The company promises not to spread, open or use the customer’s genetic sequence in any form, and to keep relevant information completely confidential. One month after the company delivers the product, it will completely destroy all related primers, plasmids and strains.


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Our professional sales team are waiting for your consultation.